Haiti 2012

My first mission trip to Haiti with my church was… beyond any words I could possibly write. I literally had chills on my arms and the back of my neck as we prayed with two Haitian teens who felt like God had forgotten about them. I will always remember them, and I will continue to pray that the people of Haiti, may come to know the love of God and that despite their dire circumstances, God is always with them.

On our last evening in Haiti, our team sat down and wrote down words of encouragement, strength and love for each other. We had no idea we would be doing this until our leader gave us the directions. I want to share that here, because sometimes, I think we ALL forget the amazing qualities that are within us. I know I do. I sell myself short too often and underestimate my abilities, my strength, my kindness…

Quoted directly from my amazing 2011 Haiti team, they stated that:

“I am amazed by your deep ability to forgive. I will remember you when I need encouragement.” ~Kelly

“Great with the kids, so helpful with the painting.”

“I saw how loving you are with the kids. Their eyes lit up when they were around you. Also, you touched me with your forgiveness towards people.”

“A forgiving heart when things/events did not go the way they were planned. Making sure all the ladies needs were taken care of.”

“You are a beautiful woman with true love for others. Let that love you have turn toward yourself. God loves you & you can spread your joy sooooo far!!!”

“A joyful soul. I can tell that you have and will help many people in your practice.”

“You truly have an amazing heart, only someone with the kindness and love that you share has the ability to forgive in the way that you have.”

“You just would never stop painting the kids’ nails, no matter how many there were, you just kept going.”

“Mandy, loved to watch you loving on kids and your patience with them. I love your laugh and thanks for sharing it so often. We will have fun getting to know you even better. Your sharing of your life token was amazing–your forgiveness is an inspiration to all of us on the team.”

“Mandy-the soldier of God’s team with such a motherly focus in doing God’s deeds-Love your personality to laugh and have fun in connecting with the Haitians. Especially on Patrick’s house with his sister.”

“Mandy- you have been a joy to watch since the first team meeting-sharing, growing, and connecting. Walls coming down and just jumping into whatever needed to be done. Indomitable spirit surely applies to you. Lots of fun in the room too. I’m so glad you were on the trip. :)”

“Mandy- Your story was amazing! I saw you give something to the lady’s house we painted; the joy on her face and the Holy Spirit in you made me realize how amazing you are.”

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