Haiti 2013

Haiti will always hold a special place in my heart. The people who are blessed to live there and who I’ve had the pleasure to meet, will forever be with me. I am so lucky to have had the opportunity to go on two mission trips to Haiti. I would LOVE to go every year if only I could raise enough money. One day, I want to take my children. They want to go to Disney World, and I want to take them to Haiti. I want to show them how happy the children that live there are. I want them to know that they don’t need THINGS to be happy, they just need loving, caring relationships with God and other people. That’s all life is about. The relationships we make in the short time we have on this planet called Earth.  If I could MOVE to Haiti and make a living there with my children by my side, I would. THAT is how much I absolutely love the country that was destroyed by an earthquake in 2010. They continue to rebuild, and flourish in their country. Their love of God, their faith, their hope and happiness…they are ALL inspirational to me.

On our last evening in Haiti, our team sat down and wrote down words of encouragement, strength and love for each other. We had no idea we would be doing this until our leader gave us the directions. I want to share that here, because sometimes, I think we ALL forget the amazing qualities that are within us. I know I do. I sell myself short too often and underestimate my abilities, my strength, my kindness…We were told to write at the top of the page:


and we passed around our paper with our name on top and we each wrote on each others papers when we saw Jesus in them… Here is my list…

Quoted directly from my incredible 2013 Haiti team, they stated that:

“Loving the children show a lot of care and love towards them.”

“Put together a script and acted out the devotion so well that we all understood the message.”

“She need the love of other and I think the children’s love is real.”

“When I saw your connection with the kids in the village.”

“You bravely shared your life token. You are one of the strongest women I know and I love you.” ~Kathy

“Your laugh lights the way!”

“When you shared something so personal and committed to change. You are a beautiful person. I know you will work on you and grow. I believe in you. I will be praying for you. I love you and Jesus does too. Thank you. 🙂 ”

“Thank you for being so open and transparent with your Hope life token. It’s difficult to share something so personal, but I know God will use your testimony in a great way!”

“Your positive spirit and outgoing personality and the love you showed for the children.”

“Your willingness to guide and help us 1st timers in Haiti helped to calm fears. Than you for also being at the Troy Wednesday service for our instalation to our mission work.”

“Mandy,  your sense of humor, your openness and caring personality has made you a wonderful person and new friend!”

“…laughed through the hard work…encouragement for me stepping out and praying aloud …courage to share your life token …used your humor at times we wanted to be negative LOL (torture chamber!)

“Mandy, nobody compares to you, I know from the moment I saw and talked to you that you were special. Your laughter and smile are the best, you made me feel accepted and loved and I will always feel the same way about you. You are beautiful.”

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