Summer Solstice.

When does summer begin for you? Does it start when the last day of school gets out? Is it your first trip to the beach? Do you wait until June 21st every year? Is it when you take your first family vacation for the summer?  When EXACTLY does summer begin for you?? What does summer MEAN to you??

For me, Summer officially begins on June 21st every year. I always loved the first day of summer. I love going to the beach, heading to disc golf courses with my friends & with my kids. Swimming lessons for the kids in the city pool. A whole new routine and schedule because the kids are out of school! The excitement of my birthday on June 29th. The smell of fresh cut grass. Sand in between your toes. Festivals, carnivals, art shows, craft shows and 4H Fairs every weekend. A delicious, cold ice cream cone melting too fast for you to keep up with.   I chose June 21st as my wedding day. I chose it for all the reasons above. I chose it because Summer is my favorite season.  Summer WAS my favorite season.

Until my husband and I separated and I got a divorce. Now, the only thing that June 21st reminds me of is a failed marriage. Every June 21st is a painful reminder now of something that I failed at. Someone please direct me to a blog on how to get over your past failures, move forward in life, and have hope for the future! I mean, it IS possible to remarry and still have happily ever after right?!?!? <<Phew….>>

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